Posts tagged uk artist
About Me

Well hello there, thanks for clicking through and taking the time to read about me.

My name is Joanna Myles, otherwise known as Jo, Jo-Jo, Mummy, Mush, Babe, and *Grasshopper (I’ll explain that last one later).

I’m 43 years old as I write this in June 2021. I live in Haywards Heath, the UK with the love of my life & our gorgeous blended family of…

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A Misty Venice Morning

This one is based on a trip Jason & I made to Venice back in 2016, I was missing traveling and yearned to be in a different clime. Venice is stunning on any given day, on the day I took the picture this is based on it was before the sun had burnt off the misty start to the day. It gave an ethereal insight into Venice for me and I just love the smokiness of this painting.

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My Submission Painting

A painting very close to my heart.

This was part of an open call exhibition for the 2019 Lewes ArtWave, exhibited in Newhaven as part of an artist’s organised open call. I had 2 works of art exhibited in that year’s ArtWave festival. This beauty and another artwork as part of a curated exhibition at The Depot in Lewes.

Sitting by The Dock of The Ouse. 2019.

Acrylics, enamel, silver guild, oil pastels & graphite.

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Landscape Artist of The Year

I think I’m not alone when I say that 2020 wasn’t the best of years!

Back in March 2020, the UK had gone into its first national lock-down and I found myself at home with my partner Jason having taken custody of my studio and 3 children to home school.

Now don’t get me wrong I love the little blighters but I’m no teacher and I have zero intention of becoming one. Nonetheless here we were Jason, working harder than I’d ever seen him do so from my artist studio, myself homeschooling, and endlessly cooking and cleaning and washing blooming clothes!

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