A Misty Venice Morning

Created alongside all the preparatory works of art…


My name is Jo and I don’t like wasting paint.

And so I have this thing I do that I call a wipe off canvas. In essence, it’s a smaller canvas that I have besides the main works of art that I use to finish up any leftover paint on each day I’m painting in my studio. I always have in mind my wipe-off image and inspiration and it’s equally important to me as a subject and work of art but it’s a more experimental way of working for me. I spend less time on my wipe off-canvas and the colour is always informed by the main work but I always love these guys, and quite often they are first to well as part of a collection!

This one is based on a trip Jason & I made to Venice back in 2016, I was missing traveling and yearned to be in a different clime. Venice is stunning on any given day, on the day I took the picture this is based on it was before the sun had burnt off the misty start to the day. It gave an ethereal insight into Venice for me and I just love the smokiness of this painting.

Acrylic paints and pencil on canvas, 26cm x 20cm x 1cm, 2020.

Available to purchase: https://jmmyles.com/shop/misty-venice-morning