A Friendly Farm Sign

Second up in my preparation works of art is A Friendly Farm Sign.

A Friendly Farm Sign

So in the first lock-down, we were unable to have all our blended family together. Our family is made up of 3 households with kids in each, Jason and I are the link to them all and we absolutely love having them all together. Because of C_19 in the first lock-down, some households were shielding and together we decided until more was known about the pandemic that we would stay apart and all keep safe.

As a result, we physically hadn’t seen the youngest two children for over 4 months :( so when the opportunity to be able to go on a socially distanced walk with them was allowed Jason & I jumped at the chance, drove over to Henfield, and went on a lovely walk with them both. It was on this walk we came across this sign, it made me laugh and I took some pictures of it knowing that somehow it was going to feature in my work at some point.

For those of you that are new to my work a lot of it revolves around how humans interact with objects and the landscape. I try to present that we, as humans are temporary caretakers of this beautiful planet despite our best efforts to display ownership of it. This composition and sign immediately capture the narrative I’m so often trying to convey and so it became the second preparation artwork I created in the run-up to my heat in Landscape Artist of the Year.

Acrylic paint, pencil & oil pastels on canvas, 2020.